terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2015

Clash of Rebellions no TCG e World Premiers

Olá duelistas! Tudo bem? Passando pra informar as novas datas de lançamentos e as World Premiers. Preparados? Então vamos lá!


Clash of Rebellions ganhou sua data de lançamento aqui para o TCG, ele chegará no dia 7 de Agosto de 2015. Sua versão no OCG já está na ativa desde 25 de Abril.
No OCG ele contém 113 cards, 13 cards a mais que no TCG.

World Premiers

Sky Dragoons of Draconia


WIND/Winged Beast – Pendulum/Normal/Level 5/2200 ATK/200 DEF
Scale 7-7
Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, when a Normal Monster you control inflicts battle damage to your opponent: You can target 1 card on the field; destroy it



Field/Spell Card

Once per turn: you can Target 1 of your banished “Kozmo” monsters; return it to the hand, and if you do, lose LP equal to its original Level x 300. Once per turn: You can reveal any number of “Kozmo” monsters in your hand; shuffle them into the Deck, then draw cards equal to the number of cards shuffled into the Deck. If this card in the Field Zone is destroyed by a card effect; you can add 1 “Kozmo” card from the Deck to your hand.

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